Monthly Archives: May 2014

Extinction’s Greatest Hits: lecture and artwork at Stanford

My writer friend, Mary Ellen Hannibal, recently posted:  “Species of plants and animals are disappearing 100 times faster than they should. Later this month The New York Times will start running a six-part series I’ve written, tracking how conservation biology developed to engage the problems of extinction. I’ll be giving a couple of talks on the subject too, focusing on the discovery process — how landmark concepts, extinction’s ‘greatest hits,’

Ellen LItwiller, "The Last of Their Kind" were figured out by scientists and continue to be refined and applied today.  Many of these stories have a distinctly Western focus — Paul Ehrich and Peter Raven hatched the idea for quantifying co-evolution (relationships that climate change is unhinging) based on butterflies and plants at Stanford’s Jasper Ridge Reserve. Totally appropriate for kids 12 and up.

Evening of Extinction
Friday, May 9
From 6:30-8:30 with a talk at 7:15
1850 Fourth Street, San Rafael
with “The Last of Their Kind,” paintings by Ellen Litwiller [beautiful!]

Wednesday, May 28
Lunch and slide presentation
Stanford’s Bill Lane Center for the American West
RSVP here: