Monthly Archives: May 2011

Small Obsession opens at Somerville Museum

Small Obsession opened Sunday, May 22, at the Somerville Museum with artists’ talks and a great turnout. Take a look at the image gallery:
and the feature article in the Boston Globe:

Small Obsession brings together 18+ artists whose works runs the gamut from animation to sculpture, and from photography to oil painting. Each artist or artist collaboration brings a completely different perspective to miniature worlds–why they were created, who they are for, and whether they are lighthearted or deadly serious.
Small Obsession runs from May 21 – June 25, 2011. The Somerville Museum is located at 1 Westwood Road, Somerville, MA 02143, 617-666-9810. For directions and information: Hours for the show: Thursday 2–7 pm, Friday 2-5 pm and Saturday 12-5 pm, free and open to the public.
Visit the show’s website:
Artists: Alice Apley, Joan Baldwin, Betty Hanssen, Ilisha Helfman, Susan Huszar, Napoleon Jones-Henderson, Maria Sanchez Kouassi, Donna Rhae Marder, Karen Meninno, Sharon Pierce, Alison Power, Jeff Sais with Bryan Papciak and HandcrankedFilm, Sharon Shea, Marielle Sinclair, Lynn Thomas, Carolyn Wirth, Joyce Audy Zarins, and the Zipeto and McKendry families. Show curator: Carolyn Wirth.
This show was sponsored in part by the Somerville Arts Council, a local agency of the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and by the members of the Somerville Museum.

Above: “Word Warrior-ess: June Jordan” by Napoleon Jones-Henderson (detail)

My Emily Dickinson sculpture at Danforth Museum

I read Emily Dickinson all last winter

Each year the Danforth Museum in Framingham hosts a series of summer shows, including the annual members’ show. This year’s juror was curator Susan Stoops from the Worcester Art Museum. There will be a Patron’s Preview reception on Saturday, June 11, and the show will be on view from Sunday, June 12 through Sunday, August 7, 2011.

For more information: