Monthly Archives: June 2013

Hot off the press

Meta Fuller, Theo Alice KitsonI just finished the next in my series of Young Adult articles on female sculptors. Theo Kitson and Meta Fuller both spent their working lives in the Boston area, but their careers and concerns were shaped by radically different attitudes. Theo, born in 1871, was a sculptor of soldiers and memorials, and helped shape the national war memorial in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Meta Fuller, born just six years later, created bold monuments to the lives of African Americans before  the Harlem Renaissance.

Go to the “newest articles” page to download both pdfs!

Driveby memorial

I finally stopped at the grave of  two Brigham children, dated 1888, at the Main Street Cemetery in Hudson, Mass. After some prolonged rain, a pool has formed between the two marble children, whose weathered faces look up to Heaven.


American Dream at Fruitlands

Gillian ChristyThe annual outdoor sculpture show is up at Fruitlands Museum in Harvard, Mass. This stainless steel piece is one of two in the exhibit by Gillian Christy of Dorchester. “American Dream,” ideally situated in one of the historic landscape’s newly mown fields, is both earnest and wry. The piece is made up of alternating sections of stairs and rolls of picket fencing, stretching 13 feet to the sky.

Concord River piece in full swing

River piece, Concord, MassachusettsA collaboration with Joyce Audy Zarins, this piece is in a private garden on the Concord River. Our client wanted a piece that moved, and used reclaimed materials in combination with a boulder from the site. Also included are representations of some of the animals and birds (an otter, a turtle, songbirds) the family sees in and on the water. The result is crafted in mild steel with a rusted, natural finish. It moves slowly in the breeze on Joyce’s sturdily-fabricated pivot points, reflecting in the water on a lazy summer day.